New York Burger
While in New York City you must try the famous New York Burger. Let’s do it! Ingredients Bacon ground beef Deli sliced Pastrami Cheddar...
While in New York City you must try the famous New York Burger. Let’s do it! Ingredients Bacon ground beef Deli sliced Pastrami Cheddar...
Ingredients 1 pound boneless lamb shoulder or leg of lamb, cut into 1-inch cubes (or 1 1/4 pounds ground lamb, at least 30% fat; see...
The most famous food in Tokyo is sushi. Sushi is the traditional food of Japan and is based on rice and raw fish combined with other...
One of Turkey’s most famous sweets is Baklava. The traditional recipe consists of 3 basic ingredients: phyllo dough, nuts and honey....
Ingredients For the bougatsa: 400-450g phyllo dough 200g butter, melted 1kg milk (35 ounces)200g sugar 120g all-purpose flour 4 eggs 1...
Ingredients: For The Gyros: 500 grams Pork Pancetta 1 small onion cut in 4 1/2 green bell pepper cut in 4 3 large garlic cloves chopped...
In hungarian cafes and restaurants you can find this soup served at all hours. INGREDIENTS: 1-1/2 pounds beef stew meat, cut in cubes 1...
The traditional English breakfast, or as they call it the "traditional full English", is the National breakfast of the country and...
This Italian recipe, is made by baking sheets of lasagne pasta layered with cheese, ground meat, vegetables and different varieties of...
INGREDIENTS: 4 cups flour 2 tablespoons baking powder 1 ¾ cup sugar 1 cup butter, softened 1 ½ cup orange juice 1 tablespoon orange zest...
INGREDIENTS: 300 gr butter 110 gr icing sugar 125 gr almonds, blanched 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 600 gr all purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon...
INGREDIENTS: 2 cups olive oil 1 cup sugar 1 cup orange juice 1 cup fine semolina 1 kg soft flour 1 ½ teaspoons baking soda Lemon and...
INGREDIENTS: 1/4 cup yellow cornmeal 1 refrigerated thin-crust pizza dough 1/4 cup pesto 8 slices fresh mozzarella cheese 1 cup ricotta...